Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Priceless Summer Vacation

20 blank CD's: 750 Yen.

4 full tanks of gas: 12,000 Yen.

Taking a solo, multi-day road trip with only a vague idea of where you're going while blasting your favorite tunes, exploring Northern Tohuku, peeping Nebuta, sessioning with the Akita Lockers, doing all public hygiene in convinis and onsens, sleeping on the beach, blindly pointing at menus and eating whatever comes out, talking to strangers and otherwise putting 4 months of Japanese study to the test: PRICELESS


  1. dang, i'm jealous! Glad to see you're having fun on the other side of the world tho.

  2. "blindly pointing at menus and eating whatever comes out" sounds like fun. i like that.

  3. I had some interesting meals. Though I still don't know what they were.
